How Not to Exclude Artist Mothers: Hettie Judah’s Perspective on Overcoming Exclusion

How Not to Exclude Artist Mothers: Hettie Judah's Perspective on Overcoming Exclusion

eBook This – The art world is known for being exclusive and competitive, but for artist mothers, the challenges are even greater. In her article, How Not to Exclude Artist Mothers, Hettie Judah explores the barriers that artist mothers face and offers solutions for a more inclusive art world.

In this article, we’ll dive into the key themes of the article and provide a comprehensive review of its content.

Introduction: The Challenges of Being an Artist Mother

Before we dive into the article’s content, let’s first explore the challenges that artist mothers face.

Artist mothers often struggle to balance their creative work with the demands of motherhood.

They may face discrimination and bias from the art world, which values youth and mobility.

Many artist mothers have had to put their careers on hold or sacrifice their creative work to raise a family.

Theme 1: The Importance of Flexibility

In the article’s first theme, Judah emphasizes the importance of flexibility in the art world.

She suggests that art institutions need to offer more flexible working arrangements, such as part-time or job-sharing positions, to accommodate the needs of artist mothers.

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Judah also encourages the art world to re-think its expectations around mobility and travel, which can be challenging for artist mothers with young children.

Theme 2: The Value of Collaboration

In this theme, Judah explores the value of collaboration in the art world.

She suggests that artist mothers can benefit from collaborating with other artists, curators, and institutions to create new opportunities and support systems.

Judah also suggests that the art world needs to re-think its hierarchical structures and embrace more collaborative and inclusive models of working.

Theme 3: Raising Awareness and Visibility

In the article’s final theme, Judah emphasizes the importance of raising awareness and visibility around the experiences of artist mothers.

She suggests that art institutions need to do more to recognize and support the contributions of artist mothers.

This includes raising awareness of the challenges they face and creating opportunities for them to showcase their work.


“How Not to Exclude Artist Mothers” by Hettie Judah provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by artist mothers in the art world.

Judah highlights the importance of flexibility, collaboration, and raising awareness and visibility in creating a more inclusive and supportive art world.

With this article, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by artist mothers and the steps that can be taken to create a more equitable and supportive art world.


What are some challenges faced by artist mothers in the art world?

Artist mothers often struggle to balance their creative work with the demands of motherhood.

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They may face discrimination and bias from the art world, which values youth and mobility.

Many artist mothers have had to put their careers on hold or sacrifice their creative work to raise a family.

What can be done to support artist mothers in the art world?

The art world can support artist mothers by offering more flexible working arrangements, embracing collaborative and inclusive models of working, and raising awareness and visibility around their experiences.

Why is it important to create a more inclusive and supportive art world for artist mothers?

Creating a more inclusive and supportive art world for artist mothers can help to promote diversity, equity, and inclusivity in the art world. It can also help to ensure that the contributions of artist mothers are recognized and valued.

Where can I read “How Not to Exclude Artist Mothers” by Hettie Judah?

“How Not to Exclude Artist Mothers” by Hettie Judah can be found online through major art publications and websites.

How can I support artist mothers in the art world?

One way to support artist mothers in the art world is by attending their exhibitions and events, sharing their work on social media, and advocating for more inclusive and supportive practices in the art world.

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