My First Book of Baby Signs by Lane Rebelo – A Review

My First Book of Baby Signs by Lane Rebelo - A Review

eBook ThisAs parents, we are always looking for ways to better communicate with our little ones.

One way to do this is through baby sign language, which has become increasingly popular in recent years.

My First Book of Baby Signs by Lane Rebelo is a great resource for parents who want to learn how to communicate with their babies before they can speak.

In this article, we’ll explore the key themes of the book and provide a comprehensive review of its content.

Introduction: What is Baby Sign Language?

Before we dive into the book’s content, let’s first explore what baby sign language is.

Baby sign language involves using simple hand gestures to communicate with babies before they can speak.

This can help babies express their needs and wants, reducing frustration and improving their communication skills.

Chapter 1: The Basics of Baby Sign Language

In the book’s opening chapter, Rebelo provides an overview of the basics of baby sign language.

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She explains how to get started with signing, including the best time to start, how to introduce signs, and how to use signs in everyday life.

Rebelo also provides tips for incorporating signs into daily routines, such as mealtime and playtime.

Chapter 2: Building Your Baby’s Vocabulary

In this chapter, Rebelo provides a comprehensive list of signs that parents can use to build their baby’s vocabulary.

She covers a range of topics, including food, animals, people, and emotions. Rebelo provides clear instructions for each sign, including how to make the gesture and when to use it.

Chapter 3: Using Signs to Enhance Learning

In this chapter, Rebelo explores how baby sign language can be used to enhance learning.

She explains how signing can help babies develop their cognitive and language skills, as well as their social and emotional development.

Rebelo also provides tips for incorporating signing into reading and other learning activities.

Chapter 4: Troubleshooting and FAQs

In the book’s final chapter, Rebelo addresses common questions and concerns that parents may have when it comes to baby sign language.

She provides troubleshooting tips for common challenges, such as when babies refuse to sign or when parents forget to use signs.

Rebelo also provides answers to frequently asked questions, such as whether signing will delay speech development.


My First Book of Baby Signs by Lane Rebelo is a comprehensive and user-friendly resource for parents who want to learn how to communicate with their babies using sign language.

Rebelo provides clear and concise instructions for a wide range of signs, and offers tips for incorporating signing into everyday routines.

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With this book, parents can empower their babies to communicate their needs and wants, promoting a deeper and more meaningful connection between parent and child.


What is baby sign language?

Baby sign language involves using simple hand gestures to communicate with babies before they can speak.

What are some benefits of using baby sign language?

Using baby sign language can help babies express their needs and wants, reducing frustration and improving their communication skills. It can also enhance their cognitive, language, social, and emotional development.

When is the best time to start using baby sign language with my baby?

You can start using baby sign language with your baby as early as six months old.

Where can I purchase “My First Book of Baby Signs” by Lane Rebelo?

You can purchase “My First Book of Baby Signs” online through major retailers such as Amazon or in bookstores.

Is using baby sign language with my baby a replacement for teaching them to speak?

No, using baby sign language is not a replacement for teaching your baby to speak.

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